As a mode of action stemming from scientific practice, experimentation is spreading today in a variety of situations: industrial innovation, the universe of regulation, urban policies, crisis management, etc. In all these areas, it contributes to the renewal of the formats of organized action, beyond the oppositions between planning and improvisation, centralized action and local initiative, administrative regime and market-based coordination.
CSI’s research analyzes the emergence of experimental modes of action through the prism of pragmatism and Science and Technology Studies. Its focus is on the emergence of the publics targeted by these experimentations, the forms of participation on which they are based, as well as on the metrologies they build, in particular for evaluation purposes. Because they are an opportunity to break away from the frameworks that usually constrain action, experimentations produce new agencements which need to be analyzed.
CSI research focuses on several areas in which the “experimentation” form unfolds. The field of urban experimentation, which is the focus of a program developed for several years in partnership with Renault and the Institut de la mobilité durable [Sustainable Mobility Institute], questions the changes in the modes of governance at work in a large number of cities throughout the world. This program also explores the changes in the experimental form itself within this movement, from the material conditions for the production of results, to the nature of the knowledge thus generated, to the diversity of the actors involved.
Another area concerns is the design and evaluation of public policies. Two recent researches illustrate how experimentation is approached here. The first one relates to randomized trials in anti-poverty policies. It questions how these trials produce a certain description of the causes of poverty and circumscribe specific forms of treatment. The second one concentrates on “regulatory sandbox” approaches in innovation policies. It examines the circulation of the experimental device (“sandbox”) across different counties and fields of activity, the debates it raises, and how it reconfigures public action by transforming the regulator into a guarantor of innovation.
Research projects
SCALINGS – Scaling up Co-creation. Pathways and challenges for socially robust innovation in Europe
Show abstract »Funded by EU Horizon 2020 (2018-2021), SCALINGS is a research project conducted by a consortium of 10 leading institutions from 9 countries, coordinated by the Technische Universität München, Germany.
Contact : Brice Laurent
CitEx – City Experiment with urban mobility practices
Show abstract »Contact : Madeleine Akrich, Jérôme Denis, David Pontille
IMD expérimentation – Quelle(s) place(s) pour les infrastructures dans la mobilité durable ? [Where do infrastructures come into play in sustainable mobility?]
Show abstract »Contact : Brice Laurent, David Pontille
Observatory for Responsible Innovation
Show abstract »We are part of the Interdisciplinary Institute on Innovation (i3), a social sciences CNRS unit established jointly at Mines ParisTech, Télécom Paris and the École Polytechnique, in Paris, France, and part of the PSL Université and Institut Polytechnique de Paris communities. We’re headquartered at the Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation, a research center at Mines ParisTech.
Our view, in a nutshell: innovation develops today at a way too rapid pace and generates unforeseen, sometimes deeply problematic consequences that need to be taken into account democratically. The value of innovation is a complex, controversial and collective issue. It demands that we remain attentive to externalities, anticipations, compromises, controversies and responsibilities. We strive to accompany a move towards a culture of responsibility in innovation, focusing on specific issues for which the challenges of responsible innovation are pressing.
Contact : Fabian Muniesa
Economic expertise and environmental actions
This joint seminar of the Center for the Study of Social Movements (EHESS, IFRIS) and the Center for the Sociology of Innovation (Mines Paris-PSL, i3), brings together researchers who are interested in understanding how economic knowledge is produced, mobilized and contested when it comes to environmental action. Organizers: Nassima Abdelghafour, Béatrice Cointe, Kewan Mertens and Alexandre Violle. More about »
PhD theses
Theses in progress
Jean Goizauskas, Bâtir en terre crue et en pierre sèche : une innovation de rupture ? Expérimentations sociotechniques autour de pratiques constructives en voie de stabilisation / Building in raw earth and dry stone: a breakthrough innovation? Sociotechnical experiments around construction practices in the process of stabilization
Léone-Alix Mazaud, Quelles données pour la biodiversité urbaine ? Outiller la conception architecturale et urbaine dans la perspective d’une plus grande sensibilité au vivant / What data for urban biodiversity ? Equiping architectural and urban design practice for more sensitivity to living beings
Carole-Anne Tisserand, Comment l’organisation d’instances de participation sur le territoire « du futur » performe-t-elle son public ? La construction d’un smart territoire et territoire du « futur », Île-de-France / How does the organization of participation bodies in the territory « of the future ” perform its public? The construction of a smart territory and of a territory « of the future », Île-de-France
Defended theses
Nassima Abdelghafour, 2020, Micropolitique de la pauvreté : la fragmentation épistémique et politique du monde par les essais randomisés contrôlés / Micropolitics of poverty : how randomized controlled trials address global poverty through the epistemic and political fragmentation of the world
Émilie Perault, 2020, Habiter ensemble les milieux. Explorations inachevées du faire-avec / Co-housing in the living environment. Unfinished explorations of the making with
Marie Alauzen, 2019, Plis et replis de l’État plateforme. Enquête sur la modernisation des services publics en France / Unfolding the Platform State. An inquiry into the modernisation of French public services
Kristin Asdal, Béatrice Cointe, 2022, Writing good economics: how texts ’on the move’ perform the lab and discipline of experimental economics. Social Studies of Science, 1 –23.
Sebastian Pfotenhauer, Brice Laurent, Kyriaki Papageorgiou, Jack Stilgoe, 2021, The politics of scaling. Social Studies of Science, 1-32.
Brice Laurent, David Pontille, Félix Talvard, 2019, La politique des expérimentations urbaines. Innovation technologique et transformations des villes à Singapour et San Francisco, in Antoine Courmont, Patrick Le Galès (dir.), Gouverner la ville numérique, PUF, 47-67.
Nassima Abdhelgafour, 2017, Randomized Controlled Experiments to End Poverty ? A Sociotechnical analysis, Anthropologie et développement, 46-47.
Brice Laurent, 2017, Democratic experiments: Problematizing Nanotechnology and Democracy in Europe and the United States, MIT Press.