Markets in society: dynamics of concern and valuation process

The markets are emerging today as a major form of social organization. It is impossible to study the slightest « social fact » without encountering the multitude of markets that cross it. Beyond the divide between the promotion of market instruments as a solution to social and environmental problems and the critique of marketization, the approach developed by the CSI analyzes the plurality of forms of the political inscription in market exchange. It emphasizes the dynamics of “concern” leading to the integration of political and moral issues into the functioning of markets and the valuation processes, which extends the world of economy to new entities.

Research carried out at the CSI covers areas marked by the strong link between economics and politics, such as the use of market instruments in environmental policies, the formulation of prices in the health sector, and the use of natural resources for economic development purposes. This research aims to deepen the analysis of the role of market mechanisms. Two examples of projects can be cited. A recent project on the construction sector highlights the ambivalence of labels that are equally being used to oil the wheels of the market machine and to introduce space and resources for political action. Another project, in collaboration with Canadian, Dutch and Brazilian researchers, explores the controversies surrounding drugs for rare diseases by analyzing the price as an epistemic and political object.

Beyond market research, the CSI has a broader interest in the economic valuation processes such as, for example, the “capitalization” processes that transform various entities into investment objects. Assetization is observable today in areas as varied as biomedical innovation, infrastructures, natural resources, scientific production or public policies. In this latter area, Social Impact Bonds are a telling example. Current CSI research points towards the potentials of an “anthropological critique of value”: this is about considering the concept of value as a vernacular notion that ought to be deconstructed, and as a political technology (one that in which the investment perspective fulfills a dominant role) that ought to be scrutinized. Recent research examines the paradoxes of value (and of “true value” particularly) in the domain of the critique of finance (for instance, in the case of conspiracy thinking).

Research projects

Chaire industrie minérale et territoire [Chair Mineral Industry and Territory]

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In a global context of growing demand for increasingly diversified mineral resources, the mineral industry raises crucial issues for contemporary societies. These issues are amplified by geopolitical tensions, new needs linked to the energy and digital transition, uncertainties linked to economic evaluations and by the expectations of civil society, who is willing to be involved in the decision-making process concerning the exploitation of subsoil resources. Based on an interdisciplinary approach hat closely combines technical and humanities/social sciences expertise, the Mineral Industry and Territories Chair : (i) Addresses all the actors of the mineral industry (mines, quarries) and its stakeholders without ruling out any of them (citizens, public authorities, research and training centers and companies); (ii) Analyses, through this interdisciplinary approach, the debates and controversies linked to the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources; (iii) Carries out concrete case studies on the dynamics existing between the mineral industry and its territory, by applying and enriching this new methodological corpus; (iv) Train at all levels a new generation of responsible experts, integrating the contemporary challenges of the extractive industries, on the basis of a common multidisciplinary, global and transversal approach while providing opportunities for higher level specialization; (v) Develops communication activities towards socio-economic actors and the general public.

The holders of the Chair Mineral Industry & Territories include researchers from the four founding schools, MINES Paris-PSL, Mines Nancy, IMT Mines Alès, and the École Nationale Supérieure de Géologie, supported by the Fondation Mines-Télécom.

Chair Mineral Industry & Territory brochure

Contact: Brice Laurent, Scientific Coordinator of the Chair

PREMOCLASSE – Prescrire et modéliser les travaux de rénovation énergétique selon les classes de DPE – Économie socio-technique d’un instrument d’action publique [Prescribing and modelling energy renovation work according to ECD classes – Socio-technical economics of a public action instrument]

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PREMOCLASSE is a socio-economic research project on building renovation co-financed by the ANR (French National Research Agency) for a period of four years (2020-2023). The project is conducted in partnership with EDF R&D, the CSI (Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation) and the CIRED (Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement). In a context where the ECD (energy performance diagnosis) plays an increasing role in guiding the renovation sector (prioritisation of buildings to be renovated, conditioning of subsidies, but also modelling of energy demand and, in the future, enforceability), PREMOCLASSE provides interdisciplinary knowledge (sociology, economics, building techno-economics). The project first focuses on the effects of the ECD in the field, the practical conditions of its implementation, and its use in the construction of public policies. Secondly, PREMOCLASSE enriches the Res-IRF energy forecasting model by introducing work packages behind the ECD class jumps, which are used to estimate the future evolution of the building stock. Thirdly, PREMOCLASSE proposes scenarios for the evolution of heating demand in the residential sector in France in 2050.

Contact: Alexandre Mallard

SPIN – Social Pharmaceutical Innovation for Unmet Medical Needs

Résumé / Summary
For many patients around the world, medical drugs and treatments are either unavailable or unaffordable. Many of these patients are from poor economic backgrounds, and are not seen as a viable market by the pharmaceutical industry. Other patients (like those with rare diseases) do not represent a large enough consumer base to justify the pharmaceutical industry’s significant research investments required for the development of new treatments. All those patients therefore are facing what is called “unmet medical needs”. In the domain of rare diseases, specific policies have been implemented in different countries that have resulted in some growth in the number of drugs for these diseases. However, many conditions are still lacking treatments, and when they are available, they are typically very expensive and thus inaccessible and unsustainable. In recent years, forms of social pharmaceutical innovation (SPIN) have emerged, which are novel models of research and development (R&D) that seek to address health inequalities and vulnerabilities related to rare diseases and other unmet medical needs. SPIN is not driven exclusively by profit making, and is characterized by collaborations between private companies, public institutions and diverse concerned groups (including patient organizations). Our project brings together teams from Canada, Brazil, France and the Netherlands with longstanding expertise in social aspects relating to pharmaceutical innovation. We will be conducting cross-national comparative research on different kinds of SPIN, namely R&D partnerships, alternative forms of provision and licensing, and alternative regulatory frameworks for coverage. Our objective is to provide a detailed understanding of the medical, social, economic, political, and regulatory contexts that shape these SPIN initiatives. In doing so, we will be disseminating the experiences of those directly involved in the SPIN initiatives we are studying, and will thus be contributing to SPIN itself.


Contact: Vololona Rabeharisoa

QUAD – Quantification, Administrative Capacity and Democracy

Résumé / Summary
Numbers increasingly govern public services. Both policymaking activities and administrative control are increasingly structured around calculations such as cost-benefit analyses, estimates of social and financial returns, measurements of performance and risk, benchmarking, quantified impact assessments, ratings and rankings, all of which provide information in the form of a numerical representation. Through quantification, public services have experienced a fundamental transformation from “government by rules” to “governance by numbers”, with fundamental implications not just for our understanding of the nature of public service itself, but also for wider debates about the nature of citizenship and democracy. This project scrutinizes the relationships between quantification, administrative capacity and democracy across three policy sectors (health/hospitals, higher education/universities, criminal justice/prisons) and four countries (France, Germany, Netherlands, UK). It offers a cross-national and cross-sectoral study of how managerialist ideas and instruments of quantification have been adopted and how they mattered. More specifically, it examines (i) how quantification has travelled across sectors and states; (ii) relations between quantification and administrative capacity; and (iii) how quantification has redefined relations between public service and liberal democratic understandings of public welfare, notions of citizenship, equity, accountability and legitimacy.

Contact: Fabian Muniesa

SEPS – Socio-économie des publications scientifiques [Socio-economics of scientific publications]

Résumé / Summary
The project focuses on how the large traditional publishers and users of scientific publishing (such as university libraries) are negotiating the transition from the traditional subscription-based journal access model to different open access models, where price barriers to access journals are removed. The survey is based on the exploration and analysis of public documents, including the contacts (“big deals”) recently signed in different European countries, between publishers in the scientific publishing market and the national institutions in charge of negotiating access to journals. The objectives of the project are: (i) to establish a typology of the contracts signed between scientific publishers and national institutions in charge of negotiations for access to journals; (ii) to analyse the mechanisms set out in these contracts, in particular the conditions set for the publication of articles in open access and the pricing conditions; (iii) to evaluate the effect of the contracts on the transition towards open access for scientific publications.

Contact: David Pontille


Thèses en cours

Victoria Brun, Les formes de valorisation de la recherche

Abdoulaye Diaw, La construction du marché du vrac contemporain en France

Clément Foutrel, Stratégies et pratiques de financement dans le gouvernement de la nature. Du bailleur au pêcheur, les aires marines protégées en mer Méditerranée

Clément Gasull, Les dispositifs socio-techniques des blockchains : innovation, valorisation et controverses

Allyson Pallisser, Le commerce comme producteur du « sens de la rue » : l’objectivation des externalités positives du commerce en ville

Thèses soutenues

Cornelius Heimstädt, 2022, Imag(in)er la santé des plantes : Smartphones et expériences distribuées en agriculture

Jean Danielou, 2022, En transition. Quand ENGIE se reterritorialise sous l’effet du réchauffement climatique (2016-2020)

Mathilde Pelizzarri, 2022, La faisabilité d’abord : Epreuves et tactiques de faisabilité dans la mise en œuvre des social impact bonds

Loïc Riom, 2021, Faire compter la musique. Comment recomposer le live à travers le numérique (Sofar Sounds, 2017-2020)

Jean-Baptiste Pons, 2020, La genèse des Euromarchés

Alexandre Violle, 2019, Constituer un territoire de gouvernement pour la finance : enquête sur l’expertise de supervision au sein de l’Union bancaire européenne


Kewan Mertens, Opening the black box of nature valuation: the case of UNESCO nature parks in Europe (NaTUVal)


Fabian Muniesa, 2023, Financial Value, Anthropological Critique, and the Operations of the Law, in Isabel Feichtner, Geoff Gordon (Eds.), Constitutions of Value: Law, Governance, and Political Ecology, Routledge, 169-180.

Brice Laurent, 2022, European Objects. The Troubled Dreams of Harmonization, MIT Press

Fabian Muniesa, 2022, Paranoid Finance. Social Research: An International Quarterly, 289 (3), 731-756.

Mathilde Pellizzari, Fabian Muniesa, 2022, Social impact bonds and the tactics of feasibility: experience from Chile, Colombia and France, International Public Management Journal, 1-19.

Vololona Rabeharisoa, Liliana Doganova, 2021, War on Diseases. Patient Organizations’ Problematization and Exploration of Market Issuesin Susi Geiger (Ed.), Healthcare activism. Markets, Morals, and the Collective Goods, Oxford University Press, 55-85.

Fabian Muniesa, 2021, Finance: cultural or political?, Journal of Cultural Economy.

Fabian Muniesa, Liliana Doganova, 2020, The time that money requires: use of the future and critique of the present in financial valuation, Finance and Society, 6 (2), 95-113.

Brice Laurent, Alexandre Mallard, 2020, Labelling the Economy. Qualities and Values in Contemporary Markets, ‎Palgrave Macmillan.

Kean Birch, Fabian Muniesa (eds.), 2020, Assetization, MIT Press.

Fabian Muniesa, 2019, Is ANT a critique of capital?, in Anders Blok, Ignacio Farías, Celia Roberts (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory, Routledge, 56-63.

Liliana Doganova, Brice Laurent, 2019, Carving out a domain for the market: boundary making in European environmental markets, Economy and Society, 48 (2), 221-242.

Fabian Muniesa, Liliana Doganova, Horacio Ortiz, Álvaro Pina-Stranger, Florence Paterson, et al., 2017, Capitalization: A Cultural Guide, Presses des mines.

Susi Geiger, Debbie Harrison, Hans Kjellberg, Alexandre Mallard, 2014, Concerned markets. Economic Ordering for Multiple Values, 2nd Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop, Dublin, Ireland. Edward Elgar, 269.

Liliana Doganov, Martin Giraudeau, Claes-Fredrik Helgesson, Hans Kjellberg, Francis Lee, Alexandre Mallard, Andrea Mennicken, Fabian Muniesa, Ebba Sjögren, Teun Zuiderent-Jerak, 2014, Valuation studies and the critique of valuation, Valuation Studies, 2 (2), 87-96.