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Mélanges offerts à Antoine Hennion

A Festschrift for Antoine Hennion edited by Loïc Riom, Sophie Tabouret, Anne-Sophie Haeringer, Jérôme Denis and Morgan Meyer.

Presses des Mines […]

EASST- 4S 2024 Amsterdam: Making and Doing Transformations

The 2024 quadrennial joint meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) is hosted by the Athena – Research and Education Institute at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam).

Several Open Panels are co-organized by CSI members. Learn more.

ESTS, “Maintenance & Its Knowledges” thematic collection, guest edited by Jérôme Denis, Daniel Florentin and David Pontille

Guest edited by Jérôme Denis, Daniel Florentin and David Pontille, the thematic collection “Maintenance & Its Knowledges”, published in April 2024 in ESTS – Engaging Science, Technology & Society, highlights the epistemic virtues of maintenance by examining a still underestimated and unexplored dimension: the forms of knowledge associated with maintenance activities. […]

Sortir du monde fossile. Les mutations d’une multinationale de l’énergie

A book by Jean Daniélou pubished by Preses des Mines.

Having built a world based on the exploitation and consumption of fossil fuels in the 20th century, multinational energy companies are now facing the need to abandon this path. Both exceptional and paradoxical, this moment in capitalism is characterized by a profound transformation of these companies.

TTI.5 Environmental Controversy Award – 2nd Edition

For the second consecutive year, the Transition Institute 1.5 has awarded the TTI.5 Award for best study of an environmental controversy. The prize is awarded to the best case study of a controversy dealing with an environmental issue selected among the papers written by students of the civil engineering program of Mines Paris–PSL. The articles are written as part of the course Description of Controversies coordinated by Madeleine Akrich, sociologist and Research Director at the CSI.

The winning group is the author of a study entitled “Living with wolves? Is a cohabitation possible?”

Béatrice Cointe, CNRS Bronze Medal 2024

The CSI is pleased to announce that Béatrice Cointe, CNRS researcher at i3 and the CSI, has been awarded the CNRS Bronze Medal 2024.

Each year, the CNRS rewards the men and women who have contributed the most to its influence and to the advancement of research. The bronze medal rewards the first work of researchers who are specialists in their field. This distinction represents an encouragement from CNRS to pursue research that is well under way and is already fruitful.

Béatrice Cointe joined the Interdisciplinary Innovation Institute (i3) as a member of the CSI in 2019. She is also a professor at the She is also a professor at the Centre de formation sur […]

Discounting the Future. The Ascendancy of a Political Technology, by Liliana Doganova

A book by Liliana Doganova pubished by Zone Books

A pioneering exploration of the defining traits and contradictions of our relationship to the future through the lens of discounting.

Forest fires, droughts, and rising sea levels beg a nagging question: have we lost our capacity to act on the future? Liliana Doganova’s book sheds new light on this anxious query. It argues that our relationship to the future has been trapped in the gears of a device called discounting. While its incidence remains little known, discounting has long been entrenched in market and policy practices, shaping the ways firms and governments look to the future and make decisions accordingly. Thus, a sociological account of discounting formulas has become urgent.

“Une journée avec Bruno Latour”: The event in videos, texts, drawings and pictures

The Center for the Sociology of Innovation held on October 23, 2023 a day-long tribute to Bruno Latour.

Bruno Latour has left a considerable intellectual legacy, many milestones of which he set during his twenty-five years at the CSI, where he was, in turn and in his own way, an anthropologist of science and technology, a political theologian and an investigative philosopher.
During this event, members of the CSI, Bruno Latour’s companions along the way and researchers whom he has inspired or baffled continued their conversation with his work.

Find out more about the day’s events on the “Une journée avec Bruno Latour” website, with video recordings of the panels, texts, drawings and images. […]