Digital objects, social objects. 10 years of social science research on the Internet

In order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the journal RESET,

its editorial board is organizing a study day entitled,

Digital objects, social objects.

10 years of social science research on the Internet

Friday March 24, 2023

Maison de la Recherche de l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle

4 rue des Irlandais, Paris 5e


9:30. Welcome, Coffee

10:00. Ten years of RESET

10:30. A concern for digital technologies: social sciences to the test of the Internet

14:00. The intricacies of the corpus, or ordinary epistemologies of our digital investigations

15:45. New perspectives

Discover the detailed programme of the event

The event will be held in French. Registration is free and mandatory, please register here

Videoconferencing is not planned for the moment, but it could be considered if the number of participants proves to be too large.

Contact: Clément Marquet (CSI) and Francesca Musiani (CIS, CSI) members of the editorial board of the journal RESET.