Clément Marquet


  • Presentation

Clément Marquet’s research focuses on the materiality of the digital technical system. Using methods and theories from the social studies of science and technology, he is interested in the political, social and environmental tensions caused by the installation of digital infrastructures (data centres, submarine cables), and in the political and commercial stakes of the methodologies used to measure the environmental footprint of digital technology.

As part of his ongoing work, Clément Marquet is involved in the Anti-limits in the digital world (ALDIWO) research project coordinated by Florence Maraninchi (Verimag, Grenoble INP). This project explores what a frugal digital world would be like, with a particular focus on the research that constitutes Undone Science, and aims to explore the multiple issues involved in thinking about the notion of limit in the digital world [Project funded by the CNRS’s Mission for Transversal and Interdisciplinary Initiatives (MITI), 2023-2025].

Clément Marquet is the co-coordinator, with Sophie Quinton (INRIA), of the “Digital Environmental Policies” working group within the CNRS Research Network “Internet, AI and Society”, a member of the editorial board of the journal RESET, and co-responsible, with Liliana Doganova, for the minor in Public Affairs and Innovation at the École des Mines de Paris.

Thesis supervision

Joint supervision of the thesis in STS (Sciences, Technologies & Society) of Louison Magro (CSI) with Alexandre Mallard (CSI). Title of the thesis: Creating a common label out of a collective production between State and activist mechanisms: Open Food Facts at the heart of the making of environmental labelling.

Joint supervision of the thesis in computer science of Ludmila Courtillat-Piazza (Telecom Paris) with Marceau Coupechoux (Telecom Paris) and Sophie Quinton (INRIA). Title of the thesis: Digital dependence and vulnerabilities in a context of ecological emergency addressed from the perspective of the resilience of mobile network.

*According to summaries present in the bibliographic database