HDR in STS (“sciences, technologies, societies”)

Preparing an HDR (habilitation à diriger des recherches) at Mines Paris – PSL is now possible, as of 2023. The CSI (Centre for the Sociology of Innovation) now offers to support the preparation of a HDR in “STS” (“sciences, technologies, societies”), a disciplinary specialization already provided by the CSI as part of the doctoral program in social sciences it contributes to. Completing an HDR in STS at CSI means meeting the high standards of excellence demanded by the specialty, and being supported throughout the process, from the application to the dissertation and defense. Applications are examined by the CSI Laboratory Council, then by the Mines Paris – PSL Research Commission.

The program was inaugurated in June 2023, with the HDR defense of Roland Canu, a researcher at Toulouse-Jean Jaurès University and member of the CERTOP (Centre d’étude et de recherche travail, organisation, pouvoir), who presented a dissertation entitled “La publicité sans le savoir. Une histoire des résidus techniques publicitaires (1850-1950)” [Advertising without knowing it. A history of technical advertising residues (1850-1950)] (guarantor: Alexandre Mallard).

For further information, please contact Fabian Muniesa, head of the STS specialization (PhD/HDR).