Tribute to Bruno Latour
Photographic traces and documentary film
In preparation for this day of tribute to Bruno Latour, Morgan Meyer, CNRS Research director and CSI researcher, and Clément Foutrel, doctoral student at the CSI, traveled to Beaune, more exactly at the municipal archives where Bruno Latour decided to deposit his professional archives in 2018. From this excursion in the path of Bruno Latour came a short documentary film and several photographs presented as part of an exhibition designed and organized by Morgan et Clément for ”Une Journée avec Bruno Latour”.
“Fonds Bruno Latour. Archives municipales de Beaune”. Documentary film
The film presents the Bruno Latour Fonds, its origin, classification and some of the gems it contains. Presented at mid-day[1], it was also intended as an invitation to visit the exhibition.
Directed by
Clément Foutrel
Morgan Meyer
With special thanks to
Emilie Rouilly, Archives Municipales de Beaune
The exhibition “Photographic Traces”
Featuring previously unpublished documents from the book Laboratory Life, souvenirs from academic conferences and shots taken of the Bruno Latour Fonds at the Municipal Archives of Beaune, the exhibition aimed to show the multiplicity of traces, inscriptions and conversations that compose Bruno Latour’s work.

Morgan Meyer
Clément Foutrel
With special thanks to
Charlotte Krebs, photographer

Work on the book Laboratory Life
This series, which is not presented in detail here due to copyright, features photographs of Bruno Latour at the Salk Institute in California, a map of Roger Guillemin’s neuroendocrinology lab, field notes and a diagram of endocrinology citations.

Assignments, course notes and corrected papers from student years and for the CAPES competition (Folder 114Z 1)

Fonds Bruno Latour, Archives Municipales de Beaune
Photo : M. Meyer, 2023 (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Objects – Honours & Awards
Fonds Bruno Latour, Archives Municipales de Beaune
Photo : M. Meyer, 2023 (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0).
Object received by Bruno Latour
Fonds Bruno Latour, Archives Municipales de Beaune
Photo : M. Meyer, 2023 (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0).

[1] The film “Fonds Bruno Latour. Archives municipales de Beaune” was presented at the end of Panel 2 – After a reading of An Inquiry into Modes of Existence. It is part of the video recording of the panel.