Orso Roger

PhD Candidate

  • Presentation

Thesis title: Designing and managing the future: foresight practices as a strategic “dispositif”

Supervisors: Liliana Doganova (thesis supervisor) and Benjamin Cabanes (maître de thèse)

For several decades, organizations have been implementing foresight methods with the aim of integrating long-term considerations into their activities and strategies. In 2017, the Vinci Group launched the Leonard platform to conduct such foresight initiatives. This thesis proposes to investigate the practices within this platform in order to understand how future-oriented thinking influences the realms of economics and entrepreneurial life. To achieve this, the research draws upon the fields of sociology of science and technology as well as organization and management theory. Through a combination of field research and multiple case studies, the objective is to elucidate the “dispositif” – including heterogenous patterns, knowledge, and artifacts – within which foresight practices are situated, and their progressive development.


Roger, O., Doganova, L., & Cabanes, B. (2023, July). Scenarios as instruments of future-making: A practice-oriented analysis of RAND Europe scenarios. In 39th EGOS Colloquium. https://hal.science/hal-04168842

Roger, O., Cabanes, B., & Doganova, L. (2023, June). Uncertainty and complexity management in scenarios building as an innovation capability. In 30th IPDMC: Innovation and Product Development Management Conference. https://hal.science/hal-04116224