Quand la mine déborde. Enquêtes sur la fabrique des territoires extractifs

Juliette Cerceau and Brice Laurent (Eds.)

At a time of energy and digital “transitions” and health and geopolitical crises, access to mineral raw materials is becoming a crucial issue forcing us to question mining activity.

The contributors to the book are Nassima Abdelghafour, Sylvia Becerra, Tessa Bonincontro, Juliette Cerceau, Liliana Doganova, Noémie Fayol, Yona Jébrak, Brice Laurent, Claude LeGouill, Pierre-Yves Le Meur, Florian Tena-Chollet and Roberta Rubino.

TTI.5 Award for best study of an environmental controversy

The Transition Institute 1.5 launched its first edition of the TTI.5 Award for best study of an environmental controversy on May 31st, 2023.

The prize is awarded to the best case study selected among the papers written by students of the civil engineering program of Mines Paris–PSL. These controversy studies are carried out as part of the course Description of Controversies coordinated by Madeleine Akrich.

The winning group formed by Sylvain Caillaud, Arsène Ferrière, Grégoire Michel, Léopold Moeneclaey, Aymeric Plessier, Joseph Redaud, Victoire Rossignol and Maud Roux-Salembien was rewarded for its study entitled « Betteraves, oiseaux et néonicotinoïdes. To bee or not to beet?  »  [Beets, birds and neonicotinoids].

Valorisation at CNRS through the prism of sociology of sciences 

Victoria Brun

Valorisation has been an official mission of CNRS since 1982. Although research practices at the interface with the socio-economic world are nothing new, they have been facilitated since the 1990’s by a proliferation of new public policy instruments. To help them navigate this complex ecosystem, in 2017 the heads of the valorisation departments of the CNRS Institutes asked for reflective feedback on their activities, through a doctoral research. Victoria Brun began this investigation in October 2019, drawing on her expertise in sociology of science and mixed methods acquired during her postgraduate studies. This article presents several of the methodological issues of the inquiry she conducted.

Genèse d’un autoritarisme numérique. Répressions et résistances sur internet en Russie, 2012-2022

Françoise Daucé, Benjamin Loveluck and Francesca Musiani (Eds.)

In the wake of the USSR’s collapse, the Russian Internet initially developed freely, leaving the initiative to numerous actors who invented digital tools tailored to suit their uses. However, since the early 2010s, the authoritarian turnaround at the top echelons of the Russian state has led to the deployment of a network of rights of way and constraints that have tightened on both actors and the country’s digital infrastructures. […]

The Great Climate Fair: Semiotics of COP27

Béatrice Cointe

COP27 ended on the morning of November 20. If the results of the COPs are widely commented on, less is heard about their scenography. However, it says a lot about the state of the climate problem and how it is dealt with. […]

Bruno Latour, 1947-2022

It is with great sadness that the Center for the Sociology of Innovation has learned of the death of Bruno Latour, who was for 25 years one of the pillars of our research center. He developed his research and teaching activities at the École des Mines from 1982 to 2006, carrying out a large part of the work for which he is best known. With Michel Callon and John Law in England, and later Madeleine Akrich and many other researchers, he led a radical renewal of the sociology of science and technology, through what was first called the sociology of translation, and then Actor-Network Theory – a theory soon to become internationally renowned. From his early days onwards, Latour […]