Nassima Abdelghafour winner of the 2021 Prize for Young Authors awarded by the journal Sociologie du travail

Congratulations to Nassima Abdelghafour who received the first prize ex-aequo of the Young Authors 2021 Prize awarded by the journal Sociologie du travail. This first prize was awarded for her article entitled “Produire des données au village. Le cas d’une expérimentation contrôlée randomisée en Afrique de l’Est » [“Producing data at the village. The case of a randomized controlled experiment in East Africa”].

The article will be published in Vol. 64, Issue 3 of Sociologie du Travail to be released in September 2022. This paper stems from research Nassima conducted as part of her dissertation « Micropolitique de la pauvreté. La fragmentation épistémique et politique du monde par les essais randomisés contrôlés » [“Micropolitics of Poverty. The epistemic and political fragmentation of the world through randomized controlled trials”] prepared under the joint supervision of Vololona Rabeharisoa and Liliana Doganova and successfully defended in December 2020 at the École des Mines de Paris.

The Young Authors’ Prize is organized each year by the journal Sociologie du travail to “encourage young authors to promote their research work and to confront academic standards by taking on the codes of scientific writing and responding to peer review”.

Learn more about Nassima Abdelghafour‘s research interests and current projects

Read Sociologie du Travail « Résultat du prix des jeunes auteurices 2021 »