Category: Agenda

Study day

Wednesday, May 31st, 2023. The study day “Teaching the environmental conséquences of digital technology” is organized in the framework of the Digital Environmental Policies working group of the GDR Internet, AI and Society, by Sylvain Bouveret (lecturer-researcher in computer science at Ensimag in Grenoble), Annabelle Collin (lecturer-researcher in mathematics at Enseirb-Matmeca in Bordeaux), Clément Marquet (lecturer-researcher in sociology at Mines Paris-PSL), Alexandre Monnin (lecturer-researcher at ESC Clermont) and Sophie Quinton (researcher in computer science at INRIA Grenoble).
How can we teach about the environmental consequences of digital technology? Rather than a technical reflection on the eco-design of digital services, this study day proposes to discuss the challenges encountered when addressing with students the more global issues raised by the place of digital technologies in the climate and environmental crises.

TTI.5 Environmental Controversy Award – 1st Edition

May 31st, 2023. The Transition Institute 1.5 launches its first edition of the TTI.5 Environmental Controversy Award. The prize will be awarded to the best case study of a controversy dealing with an environmental topic, selected among the papers written by students of the civil engineering program of Mines Paris–PSL. These controversy studies are carried out as part of the course Description of Controversies supervised by Madeleine Akrich, sociologist and Research Director at the Center for the Sociology of Innovation (CSI).

Fanny Lopez (LIAT/Éav&t Paris Est)

Wednesday, May 15, 2023. Fanny Lopez, Laboratoire Architecture, Infrastructure Territoire (LIAT)/ École d’architecture de la ville & des territoires à Marne-la-Vallée (Éav&t Paris Est), is the guest of the next session of the Seminar on Digital Environmental Policies organized by the Center for the Sociology of Innovation (CSI Mines Paris – PSL) and the Center for Internet and Society (CIS) entitled “In the vast park of electrical and digital machines”.

Christo Sims (University of California, San Diego)

Wednesday, May 10, 2023. Christo Sims, Communication Department, University of California, San Diego, is the guest speaker at the Digital Capitalism and Ideologies seminar. This session, entitled “La Magie Verte: les technologies d’enchantement au siège d’Apple”, is a joint session of the Digital Capitalism and Ideologies and Digital Environmental Policies working groups of the GDR Internet, IA et Société.

Doctoriales i3 2023

May 17, 2023. The aim of the doctoriales is to present current doctoral research at i3, engage in multidisciplinary exchange on research topics common to i3 teams, and provide feedback to doctoral students to help them further their studies. Parallel workshops in the morning and afternoon will focus on the work of doctoral students in the early stages of their thesis. The plenary session at the end of the morning will give the floor to three doctoral students who have completed their thesis and whose research is deemed emblematic of the variety of work carried out in i 3 laboratories (themes, methods, relations with the actors of innovation).

Geoengineering. Sébastien Chailleux and Andreas Folkers

Thursday May 11, 2023. The seminar “Economic expertise and environmental actions” will welcome Sébastien Chailleux and Andreas Folkers. This session entitled “Geoengineering” will explore the promises of geoengineering through analyzes of eco-modernist projects promoting innovations designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Stéphane Crozat (COSTECH-UTC)

The next session of the Seminar on Digital Environmental Policies organized by the Center for the Sociology of Innovation (CSI Mines Paris – PSL) and the Center for Internet and Society (CIS) will be held on Thursday April 20, 2023…

Cows. François Thoreau and Bregje van Veelen

The seminar Economic expertise and environmental actions will welcome François Thoreau and Bregje van Veelen Cows This session will explore the tentative ecological transformation of agricultural business by focusing on cattle breeding. It will consider the assemblage, promises and limits…

Launch of Promethee

The launch of Promethée scheduled for March 28th has been postponed to a later date. A new date will be announced soon. The CEA, the University of Caen/MRSH, Mines Paris-PSL, the Dôme de Caen and the IRTS Normandie-Caen are pleased…