Responsible innovation in ICTs: the question of digital traceability

The Observatory for responsible innovation engages in 2013 with a new field of action: information and communication technologies, with a focus on the problems of digital traceability.

Digital objects and environments (technologies, applications, tags, networks, services, etc.) are today developed with a view on traceability: tracking down persons and things, monitoring behavior, localizing products, capitalizing on statistical analysis. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a particularly telling example, currently entering public debate. Invisible, RFID is now part of our daily life.

Massive deployment of such technologies is today at the forefront of governmental and corporate agendas. Social and scientific controversies develop on the risks and problems associated to such developments: right to privacy, health-related risks, environmental hazards and other potentially troubling consequences. A reflexive approach is needed, one that locates the requirements and opportunities for responsible innovation in this area.

A working group, headed by Laura Draetta, a social scientist at Télécom ParisTech, will be focusing on these questions in 2013.

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