Antoine Hennion

Antoine Hennion

Antoine Hennion

Antoine Hennion, now quietly retired, has been a member of the CSI for 50 years, since his time at the Mines, where he chose the sociology option. Following on from his work on attachments, he is involved in the current revival of the pragmatist inquiry, with concerned collectives (PEROU, Pragmata, Origens Medialab), on situations such as the reception of migrants and ecological redirection, which are characterized by fragility, indeterminacy and the need for commitment.

In his presentation, he sets out to explore the multiple, but mostly indirect, relationship Latour has maintained with the arts throughout his life, both as a tool for thought and as a way of ‘making things public’. An interesting contrast soon emerges between Latour’s relationship with art forms that were very close to his own writing, such as literature, theatre and poetry, and others that he exploited above all as material to help him think about other themes, such as painting for religion. Finally, when it came to music, to which he knew he had little sensitivity, he let himself be guided like a child.

Antoine Hennion moderated Panel 2 – After a reading of An Inquiry into Modes of Existence

Speakers in Session 2: After a reading of An Inquiry Into Modes of Existence

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