Víctor Hermoso

Visiting scholar, PhD candidate at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona

  • Presentation

Victor Hermoso is a doctoral fellow in the humanities program at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain). His research interests focus mainly on contemporary philosophy, with a particular emphasis on political philosophy, new materialisms and Science and Technology Studies.

His doctoral research is currently focused on Bruno Latour’s political thought, exploring its potential in times of climate emergency to rethink political articulation and mobilisation beyond the discursive framework in which political ecology has been confined.

He joined the Centre for the Sociology of Innovation (CSI) in September 2024, thanks to an international mobility grant from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, and will participate in the Centre’s activities until December 2024.


Hermoso, V (2024). “Carl Schmitt, Bruno Latour y el concepto de lo político. De la realidad del conflicto” [Upcoming publication]

Hermoso, V. (2022) “Xenofeminismo. Hacia una política de genero post-hegemónica” en Sonia Reverter y Alba Moliní Gimeno (ed.) La Praxis feminista en clave transformadora (213-228). Universitat Jaume I. http://dx.doi.org/10.6035/AgoraFeminista.2

Hermoso, V. (2021). “Tecnopopulismo o la lógica política del aceleracionismo de «izquierdas»: entre autonomía y equivalencia”. OXÍMORA Revista Internacional De Ética Y Política, (18), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1344/oxi.2021.i0.31129

Hermoso, V. (2020). Tecnopopulismo. Hacia una teoría política post-hegemónica. [Trabajo Final de Máster, Universitat de Barcelona]: Disponible en: http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/handle/2445/173541