Category: Books

Innovation et participation. Approches critiques

Book edited by Brice Laurent, Michael Baker, Valérie Beaudouin and Nathalie Raulet-Croset

“Co-creation”, “open innovation” or “responsible innovation” are some of the new expectations of innovation. This new innovation repertoire is used in companies, public authorities and civil society organisations. It translates into instruments (digital platforms, collaborative spaces, etc.) dedicated to renewing the relationship between innovation and its audiences, and allowing to consider innovation as a participatory process. How does participation manifest itself in innovation processes? What are the economic and political…

L’emprise des marchés, a book by Michel Callon

The grip of markets. Understanding how they function in order to change them

While partisans and despisers of the market economy confront each other with a rare violence, a prior question arises: what is a market?
Michel Callon shows that the organization of market activities is not limited to the mere confrontation between offers and demands. How is a “thing” transformed, after immense […]

Democratic experiments, a book by Brice Laurent

In Democratic Experiments, Brice Laurent discusses the challenges that emerging technologies create for democracy today. He focuses on nanotechnology and its attendant problems, proposing nanotechnology as a lens through which to understand contemporary democracy in both theory and practice.

Capitalization. A Cultural Guide

The authors are: Fabian Muniesa, Liliana Doganova, Horacio Ortiz, Álvaro Pina-Stranger, Florence Paterson, Alaric Bourgoin, Véra Ehrenstein, Pierre-André Juven, David Pontille, Başak Saraç-Lesavre and Guillaume Yon What does it mean to turn something into capital? What does considering things as…