Le séminaire Invités du CSI accueillera
Thom Van Dooren
University of Sydney | University of Oslo
pour une discussion autour de son livre
The Wake of Crows
Living and Dying in Shared Worlds

Introduction à la discussion : Roman Solé-Pomies
Quatrième de couverture : Crows can be found almost everywhere that people are, from tropical islands to deserts and arctic forests, from densely populated cities to suburbs and farms. Across these diverse landscapes, many species of crow are doing well: their intelligent and adaptive ways of life have allowed them to thrive amid human-driven transformations. Indeed, crows are frequently disliked for their success, seen as pests, threats, and scavengers on the detritus of human life. But among the vast variety of crows, there are also critically endangered species that are barely hanging on to existence, some of them the subjects of passionate conservation efforts.
The Wake of Crows is an exploration of the entangled lives of humans and crows. Focusing on five key sites, Thom van Dooren asks how we might live well with crows in a changing world. He explores contemporary possibilities for shared life emerging in the context of ongoing processes of globalization, colonization, urbanization, and climate change. Moving among these diverse contexts, this book tells stories of extermination and extinction alongside fragile efforts to better understand and make room for other species. Grounded in the careful work of paying attention to particular crows and their people, The Wake of Crows is an effort to imagine and put into practice a multispecies ethics. In so doing, van Dooren explores some of the possibilities that still exist for living and dying well on this damaged planet.
Thom Van Dooren, The Wake of Crows. Living and Dying in Shared Worlds, Columbia University Press, 2019.
Quatrième de couverture : Du fait de sa vie sociale complexe et de sa remarquable intelligence, le corbeau suscite des réactions contradictoires d’une culture à l’autre, allant de la méfiance à la confiance. Dans cet ouvrage de référence, Thom van Dooren propose une éthique multi-espèces pour examiner les liens qui unissent les vies des humains et celles des corbeaux en vue d’une coexistence harmonieuse.
Thom Van Dooren, [trad.française par Amanda Prat-Giral] Dans le sillage des corbeaux. Pour une éthique multispécifique, suivi d’une nouvelle de Vinciane Despret, Actes Sud, 2022.
Le séminaire est organisé collectivement par les doctorants du CSI. Il est ouvert au public sur inscription (en présentiel dans la limite des places disponibles).
Programme du séminaire 2022-2023
Date : Mardi 13 juin 2023, de 11h à 13h
Lieu : Salle Chevalier
Inscription : merci de remplir ce formulaire
Contact : Jean Goizauskas ou Clément Foutrel
Photo source : Thom Van Dooren Field philosopher and writer