Fabian Muniesa

Contact details:

  • fabian.muniesa [at] minesparis.psl.eu
  • +
  • CSI, Mines Paris - PSL, 60 bd St-Michel, 75272 Paris cedex 06 France


Welcome to my personal homepage. My professional profile at the CSI website is here (in French) and here (in English). You will find a PDF version of my CV here (and you can see how I look like here, here or here, also here).

I am a researcher at the Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation (CSI), a research center at Mines Paris - PSL (formerly Ecole des Mines de Paris, now also part of PSL University) and part of i3. My position there now: "directeur de recherche", i.e. professor / research director. I am also an external faculty affiliate at the Center on Organizational Innovation at Columbia University, at the Centre for Invention and Social Process at Goldsmiths, and at the International University College of Turin. I was the executive director of the Observatory for Responsible Innovation at the Ecole des Mines de Paris (2011-2021). I was the holder of an ERC Starting Grant (2011-2015, research project PERFORMABUSINESS). I am a co-founder and board member of Valuation Studies and chair of the editorial board of the Journal of Cultural Economy.

My primary research fields are science and technology studies, economic sociology, organization studies and anthropology. I develop interest in topics such as financial capitalism, market algorithms, automation, quantification, performance in management, business education, valuation, innovation policy, architecture and experimental methods, topics which I approach from an anthropological, qualitative, pragmatist angle. A good summary on my take on these and comparable topics can be obtained from my 2014 book The Provoked Economy: Economic Reality and the Performative Turn (snippets and comments available here).

I was initially trained as a sociologist at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. I followed there an MSc program in 1997 (at the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología). In 1999 I joined the social sciences laboratory of France Télécom R&D in Paris (formerly Centre National d'Etudes des Télécommunications) and enrolled in the PhD program of the Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation. I submitted my thesis ("Markets as Algorithms: A Sociology of Automated Trading at the Paris Stock Exchange") in 2003, and then joined the Department of Information Systems at the London School of Economics for a post-doctoral research fellowship. Subsequently, I came back to Paris and joined the Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation with an international grant from the Ville de Paris. I was recruited as a permanent research staff member in 2005. My current, permanent position is of "directeur de recherche" (researcher director, professor) at Ecole des Mines de Paris.

I teach a course on the sociology of markets ("sociologie des marchés") for the third year students of the civil engineering program at the Ecole des Mines de Paris, and a course on "financialization and valuation" ("financiarisation et valorisation") for the PSL SES IOES master's program ("Sciences économiques et sociales") at PSL University. I am involved in other teaching activities there, which include the ISIGE's master's program in environmental engineering and management, the IES master's program at Université Paris Nanterre, and the "anthropology of finance" course for the MSc in Comparative Law, Economics and Finance at the International University College of Turin. I also act as a co-supervisor for a number of PhD candidates at the CSI, and I am responsible for the STS CSI doctoral program.

Have a look at the following links for different angles on the things that I do:



Selected publications

You will find here a selection of references to published work, with links to abstracts and files when available (publisher's electronic files or earlier working versions). Please do contact me if you have difficulties accessing the files or databases. For a full list of publications, see my CV here.


  References (links to editors, printed versions or working versions when available) Links

Fabian Muniesa (2024), "Délire de droit et souveraineté radicale", in Thomas Angeletti and Vincent-Arnaud Chappe, Les modes de présence du droit, Raisons Pratiques 32, Paris, Editions EHESS. ### ###


Fabian Muniesa (2024), Paranoid Finance. Cambridge, Polity. ###

Fabian Muniesa (2024), "Economic science and economic technology", in Ulrike Felt and Alan Irwin, Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 443-450. ###

Fabian Muniesa (2024), "Finance: cultural or political?", Journal of Cultural Economy, 17(5), 716-719. ###


Fabián Muniesa (2023), Barrena. Barcelona / Santiago de Chile, Ril Editores. [poetry]

Fabian Muniesa and José Ossandón (2023), "Valuation as a semiotic, narrative and dramaturgical problem", Valuation Studies, 10(1), 1-9. ###

Fabian Muniesa (2023), "A science of stereotypes: paranoiac-critical forays within the medium of information", Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 24(2), 283-296. ###

Lisa Laurence, Arnaud Niedbalec, and Fabian Muniesa (2023), "Anthropologie critique de la valeur", Regards Croisés sur l'Economie, 32, 160-170. ###

Mathilde Pellizzari and Fabian Muniesa (2023), "Social impact bonds and the tactics of feasibility: experience from Chile, Colombia and France”, International Public Management Journal, 26(3), 357-375. ###

Fabian Muniesa (2023), "Revaluation fantasy", Finance and Society, 9(1), 73-75. ### ###

Fabian Muniesa (2023), “Financial value, anthropological critique, and the operations of the law”, in Isabel Feichtner and Geoff Gordon (Eds.), Constitutions of Value: Law, Governance, and Political Ecology, London, Routledge, 169-180. ### ###


Fabian Muniesa (2022), "Paranoid finance", Social Research: An International Quarterly, 89(3), 731-756. ### ###

Fabian Muniesa (2022), "Paranoiac-critical performance", Performance Paradigm, 17, 162-165. ###

Marie Alauzen and Fabian Muniesa (2022), “Attention aux mots d’ordre! Éléments pour une enquête sur la signification de l’État", Tracés: Revue de Sciences Humaines, 43, 35-54. ### ###

Fabian Muniesa (2022), Yapay Ekonomi: Ekonomik Gerçeklik ve Performatif Değişim, Istanbul: Vakıfbank Kültür Yayınları. ###


Brice Laurent, Liliana Doganova, Clément Gasull, Fabian Muniesa (2021), "The test bed island: tech business experimentalism and exception in Singapore", Science as Culture, 30(3), 367-390. ###

Marie Alauzen, Fabian Muniesa and Alexandre Violle (2021), "Exercising knowledge of costs: behavioural politics of economic restraint in French public service reform", French Politics, 19(1), 65-80. ###

Fabian Muniesa (2021), "A science of stereotypes", Covidian Æsthetics, guest column 011. ###


Fabian Muniesa and Liliana Doganova (2020), "The time that money requires: use of the future and critique of the present in financial valuation", Finance and Society, 6(2), 95-113. ### ###

Fabián Muniesa and Liliana Doganova (2020), "El tiempo que el dinero requiere: uso del futuro y crítica del presente en la valorización financiera", in Ramón Ramos Torre and Fernando J. García Selgas, F. (Eds.) Incertidumbres en las sociedades contemporáneas, Madrid, CIS, 211-228. ### ###

Kean Birch and Fabian Muniesa (Eds.) (2020), Assetization: Turning Things into Assets in Technoscientific Capitalism. Cambridge (Massachusetts), The MIT Press. ###

Kean Birch and Fabian Muniesa (2020), "Introduction: assetization and technoscientific capitalism", in Kean Birch and Fabian Muniesa (Eds.), Assetization: Turning Things into Assets in Technoscientific Capitalism, Cambridge (Massachusetts), The MIT Press, 1-41. ###

Kean Birch and Fabian Muniesa (2020), "Conclusion: the future of assetization studies", in Kean Birch and Fabian Muniesa (Eds.), Assetization: Turning Things into Assets in Technoscientific Capitalism, Cambridge (Massachusetts), The MIT Press, 313-319. ###

Fabian Muniesa (2020), "Business education and anxiety in the performance of value", in David Stark (Ed.), The Performance Complex: Competition and Competitions in Social Life, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 260-270. ### ###

Fabian Muniesa (2020), "The key to our century and the mystery at Port-Vendres", in Christian De Cock, Damian O'Doherty, Christian Huber and Sine N. Just (Eds.), Organization 2666: Literary Troubling, Undoing and Refusal, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 63-72. ### ### ###

Fabian Muniesa (2020), "How about an anthropological critique of value?", Verfassungsblog: On Matters Constitutional.

Fabian Muniesa (2020), "Employing finance in pursuit of financial goals", Academy of Management Discoveries, 6(4), 715-716. ###


Fabian Muniesa (2019), "Is ANT a critique of capital?", in Anders Blok, Ignacio Farías and Celia Roberts (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory, London, Routledge, 56-63. ### ###

Fabian Muniesa (2019), "Société du comportement, information de la sociologie", Zilsel, 5, 197-207. ### ###

Fabian Muniesa (2019), "Organisation, signification, valorization", Pragmata, 2, 261-266. ### ###

Fabian Muniesa (2019), "Cheers to the friends (of the enemies) of value", Valuation Studies, 6(1), 1-4. ###


Fabian Muniesa (2018), "Finance ticking away", European Journal of Sociology, 59(3), 460-463. ###

Fabian Muniesa (2018), "Grappling with the performative condition", Long Range Planning, 51(3), 495-499. ### ###

Simon Deakin, Fabian Muniesa, Scott Stern, Lorraine Talbot, Raphie Kaplinsky, Martin O'Neill, Horacio Ortiz, Kerstin Sahlin, and Anke Schwittay (2018), "Markets, finance and corporations: does capitalism have a future?", in International Panel on Social Progress, Rethinking Society for the 21st Century: Report of the International Panel on Social Progress. Volume 1. Socio-Economic Transformations, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 225-254. ### ### ###

Fabian Muniesa (2018), "How to spot the behavioral shibboleth and what to do about it", in Noortje Marres, Michael Guggenheim and Alex Wilkie (Eds.), Inventing the Social, Manchester, Mattering Press, 195-211. ###

  Horacio Ortiz and Fabian Muniesa (2018), "Business schools, the anxiety of finance and the order of the 'middle tier'", Journal of Cultural Economy, 11(1), 1-19. ###

Fabian Muniesa (2017), "The live act of business and the culture of realization", Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 7(3), 347-362.

Fabian Muniesa (2017), "On the political vernaculars of value creation", Science as Culture, 26(4), 445-454. ###

Javier Lezaun and Fabian Muniesa (2017), "Twilight in the leadership playground: subrealism and the training of the business self", Journal of Cultural Economy, 10(3), 265-279. ###

Darren Umney, Taylor C. Nelms, Dave O'Brien, Fabian Muniesa, Liz Moor, Liz McFall, Melinda Cooper & Peter Campbell (2017), "On brutal culture", Journal of Cultural Economy, 10(6), 556-568. ###

Fabian Muniesa (2017), "Banks, nations and vocabulary", PERCblog, Political Economy Research Centre, Goldsmiths, 18 April. ###

Fabian Muniesa, Liliana Doganova, Horacio Ortiz, Alvaro Pina-Stranger, Florence Paterson, Alaric Bourgoin, Véra Ehrenstein, Pierre-André Juven, David Pontille, Basak Sarac-Lesavre and Guillaume Yon (2017), Capitalization: A Cultural Guide. Paris, Presses des Mines. ### ###

Fabian Muniesa (2017), "Ethnography at a critical distance: a postscript to loungification", in D. O'Doherty, Reconstructing Organization: The Loungification of Society, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 269-276. ###

Andrea Mennicken and Fabian Muniesa (2017), "Governing through value: public service and the asset rationale", Risk & Regulation Magazine, 34, 9-10. ### ### ###
  Alaric Bourgoin and Fabian Muniesa (2016). "Building a rock-solid slide: management consulting, PowerPoint, and the craft of signification", Management Communication Quarterly, 30(3), 390-410. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa (2016),"The problem with economics: naturalism, critique and performativity", in Ivan Boldyrev and Ekaterina Svetlova (Eds.), Enacting Dismal Science: New Perspectives on the Performativity of Economics, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 109-219. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa (2016),"Setting the habit of capitalization: the pedagogy of earning power at the Harvard Business School, 1920-1940", Historical Social Research, 41(2), 196-217. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa (2016), "You must fall down the rabbit hole", Journal of Cultural Economy, 9(3): 316-321. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa (2016), "Bourdieu (Pierre): échapper à l'économie", in Philippe Batifoulier, Franck Bessis, Ariane Ghirardello, Guillemette de Larquier and Delphine Remillon (eds.), Dictionnaire des conventions: autour des travaux d'Olivier Favereau, Villeneude d'Ascq, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 41-43. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa (2016), "The matter of business", in François-Xavier de Vaujany, Nathalie Mitev, Giovan Francesco Lanzara and Anouk Mukherjee (eds.), Materiality, Rules and Regulation: New Trends in Management and Organization Studies, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 121-126. ### ###  
  Liliana Doganova and Fabian Muniesa (2015), " Capitalization devices: business models and the renewal of markets", in Martin Kornberger, Lise Justesen, Anders Koed Madsen and Jan Mouritsen (eds.), Making Things Valuable, Oxford, Oxford University Press: 109-215. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa (2015), "Actor-Network Theory", in James D. Wright (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences , 2nd Edition, Oxford, Elsevier: vol. 1, 80-84. ### ###  
  Liliana Doganova, Martin Giraudeau, Claes-Fredrik Helgesson, Hans Kjellberg, Francis Lee, Alexandre Mallard, Andrea Mennicken, Fabian Muniesa, Ebba Sjogren, and Teun Zuiderent-Jerak (2014),"Valuation studies and the critique of valuation", Valuation Studies, 2(2), 87-96. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa (2014), The Provoked Economy: Economic Reality and the Performative Turn, Abingdon, Routledge. ### ### ###
  Fabian Muniesa (2014), Review of Michel Anteby, Manufacturing Morals: The Values of Silence in Business School Education (University of Chicago Press, 2013), Sociologie du Travail 56(2), 256-258. ###    
  Claes-Fredrik Helgesson and Fabian Muniesa (2014),"Valuation is work", Valuation Studies, 2(1), 1-4. ###    
  Véra Ehrenstein and Fabian Muniesa (2013), "The conditional sink: counterfactual display in the valuation of a carbon offsetting reforestation project", Valuation Studies 1(2), 161-188. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa and Claes-Fredrik Helgesson (2013), "Valuation Studies and the spectacle of valuation", Valuation Studies, 1(2), 119-123. ###    
  Javier Lezaun, Fabian Muniesa and Signe Vikkelsoe (2013), "Provocative containment and the drift of social-scientific realism", Journal of Cultural Economy 6(3): 278-293. ### ### ###
  Fabian Muniesa (2013), "Politiser, économiser la commande", in Didier Debaise, Xavier Douroux, Christian Joschke, Anne Pontégine and Katrin Solhdju (eds.),Faire art comme on fait société: les Nouveaux commanditaires, Dijon, Presses du Réel: 609-616. ###    
  Claes-Fredrik Helgesson and Fabian Muniesa (2013), "For what it's worth: an introduction to Valuation Studies", Valuation Studies 1(1): 1-10. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa and Marc Lenglet (2013), "Responsible innovation in finance: directions and implications", in Richard Owen, John Bessant, Maggy Heintz (eds.), Responsible Innovation: Managing the Responsible Emergence of Science and Innovation in Society, Chichester, Wiley: 185-198. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa (2012), "A flank movement in the understanding of valuation", in L. Adkins and C. Lury (eds.), Measure and Value, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell: 24-38. [Also available as a contribution to a special issue: Sociological Review 59(s2): 24-38.] ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa (2012), "Responsibility in financial innovation: retooling New Product Committees", Risk & Regulation 23: 18-19. ### ###  
  Margaret Armstrong, Guillaume Cornut, Stéphane Delacôte, Marc Lenglet, Yuval Millo, Fabian Muniesa, Alexandre Pointier and Yamina Tadjeddine (2012), "Towards a practical approach to responsible innovation in finance: New Product Committees revisited", Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 20(2): 147-168. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa and Ivan Tchalakov (2012), "Networks, agents and models: objections and explorations", International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation 4(1): 13-23. ### ### ###
  Dominique Linhardt and Fabian Muniesa (2011), "Tenir lieu de politique: le paradoxe des politiques d'économisation", Politix 24(95), 9-21. ###    
  Dominique Linhardt and Fabian Muniesa (2011), "Du ministère à l'agence: étude d'un processus d'altération politique", Politix 24(95), 73-102. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa and Dominique Linhardt (2011), "Trials of explicitness in the implementation of public management reform", Critical Perspectives on Accounting 22(6), 550-566. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa, Dominique Chabert, Marceline Ducrocq-Grondin and Susan V. Scott (2011), "Back-office intricacy: the description of financial objects in an investment bank", Industrial and Corporate Change 20(4): 1189-1213. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa (2011), "Javier Izquierdo and the methodology of reality", Journal of Cultural Economy, 4(1): 109-111. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa (2011), "Is a stock exchange a computer solution? Explicitness, algorithms and the Arizona Stock Exchange", International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation 3(1): 1-15 ### ### ###
  Fabian Muniesa (2011),"Comment la bourse fait ses prix: ethnographie d'un cours d'action boursière", in Sophie Houdart and Olivier Thiery (eds.), Humains, non-humains: comment repeupler les sciences sociales, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France: 176-190. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa (2010), "Cooling down and heating up: a stress test on politics and economics", in Madeleine Akrich, Yannick Barthe, Fabian Muniesa and Philippe Mustar (eds.), Débordements: Mélanges offerts à Michel Callon, Paris, Presses des Mines: 335-341. ### ### ###
  Fabian Muniesa and Anne-Sophie Trébuchet-Breitwiller (2010), "Becoming a measuring instrument: an ethnography of perfume consumer testing", Journal of Cultural Economy 3(3): 321-337. ###    
  Anne-Sophie Trébuchet-Breitwiller and Fabian Muniesa (2010), "L'emprise des tests: comment les tests marketing agencent le marché de la parfumerie fine", in Armand Hatchuel, Olivier Favereau and Franck Aggeri (eds.), L'activité marchande sans le marché?, Paris, Presses des Mines: 321-338. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa and Michel Callon (2009), "La performativité des sciences économiques", in Philippe Steiner and François Vatin (eds.), Traité de sociologie économique, Paris, PUF: 289-324. Reprinted in second edition (2013): 281-315. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa (2009), "The description of financial objects", Anthropology Today 25(2): 26-27. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa (2008), "Trading-room telephones and the identification of counterparts", in Trevor Pinch and Richard Swedberg (eds.), Living in a Material World: Economic Sociology meets Science and Technology Studies, Cambridge (Massachusetts), MIT Press: 291-313. ### ###
  Fabian Muniesa (2008), Review of Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal, Adam Leaver and Karel Williams, Financialization and Strategy: Narrative and Numbers (London, Routledge, 2006), European Accounting Review 17(3): 590-592. ###    
  Emiliano Grossman, Emilio Luque and Fabian Muniesa (2008), "Economies through transparency", in Christina Garsten and Monica Lindh de Montoya (Eds.), Transparency in a New Global Order: Unveiling Organizational Visions, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing: 97-121. ### ### ###
  Fabian Muniesa (2008), "Attachment and detachment in the economy", in Peter Redman (ed.), Attachment: Sociology and Social Worlds, Manchester, Manchester University Press: 111-141. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa (2007), "Market technologies and the pragmatics of prices", Economy and Society 36(3): 377-395. ### ###
  Fabian Muniesa, Yuval Millo and Michel Callon (2007), "An introduction to market devices", in Michel Callon, Yuval Millo and Fabian Muniesa (eds.), Market Devices, Oxford, Blackwell: 1-12. [Also available as a contribution to a special issue: Sociological Review 55(s2): 1-12.] ### ### ###
  Michel Callon, Yuval Millo and Fabian Muniesa (eds.) (2007), Market Devices, Oxford, Blackwell. [Also available as a special issue: Sociological Review 55(s2).] ### ### ###
  Fabian Muniesa and Michel Callon (2007), "Economic experiments and the construction of markets", in D. MacKenzie, F. Muniesa and L. Siu (Eds.), Do Economists Make Markets? On the Performativity of Economics, Princeton, Princeton University Press: 163-189. ### ###  
  Donald MacKenzie, Fabian Muniesa and Lucia Siu (2007) "Introduction", in Donald MacKenzie, Fabian Muniesa and Lucia Siu (eds.) (2007) Do Economists Make Markets? On the Performativity of Economics, Princeton, Princeton University Press: 1-19. ### ###  
  Donald MacKenzie, Fabian Muniesa and Lucia Siu (eds.) (2007) Do Economists Make Markets? On the Performativity of Economics, Princeton, Princeton University Press. ### ###  
  Geneviève Teil and Fabian Muniesa (2006), "Donner un prix: observations à partir d'un dispositif d'économie expérimentale", Terrains & Travaux (11): 222-244. ### ###
  Fabian Muniesa and Dominique Linhardt (2006), "Acteur-réseau (Théorie de l')", in Sylvie Mesure and Patrick Savidan (eds.), Le Dictionnaire des Sciences Humaines, Paris, PUF: 4-6. ###    
  Dominique Linhardt and Fabian Muniesa (2006), "Latour Bruno, 1947", in Sylvie Mesure and Patrick Savidan (eds.), Le Dictionnaire des Sciences Humaines, Paris, PUF: 689-690. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa (2005), "Contenir le marché: la transition de la criée à la cotation électronique à la Bourse de Paris", Sociologie du Travail 47(4): 485-501. ###
  Yuval Millo, Fabian Muniesa, Nikiforos S. Panourgias and Susan V. Scott (2005), "Organised detachment: clearinghouse mechanisms in financial markets", Information and Organization 15(3): 229-246. ###    
  Michel Callon and Fabian Muniesa (2005), "Economic markets as calculative collective devices", Organization Studies 26(8): 1229-1250. ###    
  Daniel Beunza and Fabian Muniesa (2005), "Listening to the spread plot", in Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel (eds.), Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy, Cambridge (Massachusetts), The MIT Press: 628-633. ### ###
  Fabián Muniesa, Emilio Luque, Izaskun Chinchilla and Andrés Jaque (2005), "Ejercicios de empirismo conceptual en arquitectura", AIBR: Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana (special issue, November-December): electronic edition [http://www.aibr.org]. ###    
  Izaskun Chinchilla and Fabián Muniesa (2005) "La controversia como herramienta proyectual", in Agustín Hernández Aja, La sostenibilidad en el proyecto arquitectónico y urbanístico. Madrid, IAU+S: 278-281. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa (2005), "Goods/commodities", in Jens Beckert and Milan Zafirovski (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology, London, Routledge: 311-312. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa (2005), "Advertising", in Jens Beckert and Milan Zafirovski (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology, London, Routledge: 5-6. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa (2004), "Assemblage of a market mechanism", Journal of the Center for Information Studies (5): 11-19.
  Fabian Muniesa (2004), Review of Nelly Oudshoorn and Trevor Pinch (eds.), How Users Matter: The Co-construction of Users and Technologies (Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 2003), British Journal of Sociology 55(4): 598. ###    
  Michel Callon and Fabian Muniesa (2003), "Les marchés économiques comme dispositifs collectifs de calcul", Réseaux 21(122): 189-233. ###    
  Michel Callon, Christian Licoppe and Fabian Muniesa (eds.) (2003), Technologies de Marché, special issue of Réseaux 21(122), Paris, Hermès Science. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa (2003), Des marchés comme algorithmes: sociologie de la cotation électronique à la Bourse de Paris, Thèse de doctorat (PhD Thesis), Ecole des Mines de Paris. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa (2000) "Un robot walrasien: cotation électronique et justesse de la découverte des prix", Politix 13(52): 121-154. ### ###  
  Dominique Cardon, Patrick Lehingue and Fabian Muniesa (eds.) (2000), Marchés Financiers, special issue of Politix 13(52), Paris, Hermès Science. ###    
  Olivier Godechot, Jean-Pierre Hassoun and Fabian Muniesa (2000), "La volatilité des postes: professionnels des marchés financiers et informatisation", Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales (134): 45-55. ###    
  Fabian Muniesa (2000), "Performing prices: the case of price discovery automation in the financial markets", in Herbert Kalthoff, Richard Rottenburg and Hans-Joergen Wagener (Eds.), Facts and Figures: Economic Representations and Practices (Jahrbuch Okonomie und Gesellschaft 16), Marburg, Metropolis: 289-312. ### ###  
  Fabian Muniesa (2000), Review of James Carrier and Daniel Miller (Eds.), Virtualism: A New Political Economy (Oxford, Berg, 1998), Ethnos 65(1): 144-145. ###    
  Fabián Muniesa (1999), Review of Michel Callon (Ed.), The Laws of the Markets (Oxford, Blackwell, 1998), Política y Sociedad (31): 225-227. ###    
  Fabián Muniesa (1999), Review of Miquel Domènech and Francisco J. Tirado (Eds.), Sociología Simétrica: Ensayos sobre Ciencia, Technología y Sociedad (Barcelona, Gedisa, 1998), Revista de Libros (26): 24. ###    
  Fabián Muniesa Clément (1997), "El método D.A.P.P. de orientación vocacional y algunos nuevos marcos conceptuales para la orientación psicoeducativa", Bordón 49(3): 237-244. ###    

<Last update: 22/09/2024>